There’s no one out there for me

There are no good guys left out there for me

Is that how you feel? Is that how it seems?

I recognise that there may be a part of you that believes there is no one out there for you.

If so, there will be good reasons why you feel this way and I acknowledge and honour how you feel.

But when you do feel this way, you are right, there is no one out there for you, because

whatever we believe is true!

And the longer we believe it the more entrenched the belief becomes.

This is why it’s really important to change how we feel about what we DON’T want.

For the more we focus on the negative in our life and tell ourselves the same old story:

  • There’s no one out there for me.
  • I don’t know how it works for other people.
  • There are no decent single men in this town etc.

The longer we stay stuck.

Maybe you can say, “There are no decent men,” in a small village but you really can’t say that in a town and certainly not in a city with a population of many thousands of singles.

The truth is, there are always single men in your area (although there may be other reasons why you don’t want to hook up with someone local, but that’s another story).

If you don’t believe this, you’re stuck in a negative belief that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy – until you change it.

Changing our beliefs

We have to be in an expansive energetic state to open the door to what we really want.

Living in small village energy, even though it’s cute for some folks who have got to that point in their life where they want to settle down, is absolutely useless for a single girl who is seeking love.

No one leaves a town or a city looking for more opportunity in a village.

There are no free men when you’re stuck in that insular, contracted slow paced energy.

Fast expansive energy is the feeling you want, for this is the place of opportunity. Yes, to meet that man!

Now you will hear lots of single girls in large towns and cities saying that there are no good men out there for them.

Even though in their frustration it certainly seems that way, this is utter nonsense!

Have a look back at your own “dating” experience and that of other girls around you. Have you all been telling and reinforcing the same story through your frustration?

Just so you know, I’m not picking on women here. I’ve heard the same story time and again from guys I’ve worked with over the years. And I tell them exactly the same 🙂

It’s massively important to acknowledge, honour, and deal with this negative belief, “There’s no one out there for me, no one wants me etc.”

I get it, I really understand these crippling negative beliefs.

I have had all these negative beliefs and had to deal with them all from the small to the big “I’m a worthless heap of you know what beliefs”

20 years alcoholic has a habit of destroying any good feelings someone has about themselves.

And it did a good number on mine.

But I don’t feel like that anymore, and I so want to help you feel better about yourself from the inside out.

It seems that the better I felt about myself and the more I acknowledged who and what was in my life, especially through appreciation, the better my life got, and the more nice people I attracted into my life.

The more we “open up” and “lean into life” the more our life opens up and gives us what we want.

Again, it’s massively important to honour and deal with these negative beliefs “there’s no one out there for me, no one wants me etc etc” if you want to meet your new man.

Personally I use EFT (emotional freedom technique) with all my clients as I have never found a simpler, quicker, gentler way to resolve ANY negative beliefs that are holding you back in life.

And of course, I can help you so much more in letting go of these negative beliefs that hold you back from meeting the man of your dreams when you become an “Inside dater”

(More about the massive benefits of this below)

But you can also do a lot to help yourself by becoming aware of the power of energy

To benefit from the “law of love attraction” we have to be able to tap into the expansive energy.

This is the key that most people either don’t know about or don’t use to full advantage.

Energy is energy and it can’t be selective. Like attracts like. These are universal laws.

You have to be able to get yourself into the expansive energy in ANY area of your life, and that will have positive expansive effects in EVERY area of your life.

If you open a door in one area of your life, this opens the door in EVERY area of your life.

Once you’re in that expansive energy, you’ll be shocked by how many opportunities present themselves to meet new people.

You just have to get yourself out there into the flow to reap the benefits of life and yes, find … that new man you’re looking for 🙂

Find any way you can to get into ANY expansive energy.

Look for any opportunity to meet and connect with ANY other people.

I cannot tell you how important this is!

Disconnection from other people closes the door to opportunity.

Also if you have any “discord” with anyone else, try and diminish how you feel about this. You don’t necessarily have to kiss and make up or forgive, but see if you can “soften” how you feel about it for now or get a new perspective on it.

Even if you have to forget dating for a couple of weeks, I would like you to try this out for yourself. Focus on just “connecting” with other people.

Even for a short period of time. Even if it’s someone serving you in a shop. Make an effort to connect with EVERYONE you meet.

Without expectations of them reciprocating of course 🙂

Arrange to meet old friends, family members you get on with. Start saying yes to invites instead of telling yourself that it’s ok to sit in front of the computer or TV every night.

I really feel that “dis-connection” is what robs us of our quality of life and sucks the vitality right out of us.

Life doesn’t come to us, we have to get out there and take it.

If need be go home from work, have a little siesta, before getting out and connecting with other people at least a couple of times a week.

Now please don’t tell me that there is nowhere to go.

What about that salsa dance you’ve been meaning to learn forever? There’s no need to take a dancing partner with you unless you want to go with a friend, of course.

What about reviving old hobbies, or taking up a new interest or polishing a skill, cooking classes etc.

The purpose here is not to meet that dream man (though you might).

Your intention is to get into the expansive energy where opportunities abound!

Please let me know of any insights, or changes you’ve instigated to get into the expansive energy and more importantly, any feelings about being much more open to the possibility of creating new opportunity in your own life.

Yes, meeting that new man for one 🙂


But if you are looking for even more benefit than I can offer here, then I would love you to join me in the community of  “Inside Daters.”

Where YOU will take the fast track to meeting the man of your dreams.

Where you can feast on an abundance of personal “practical” videos from myself in the 3 most important areas of dating …

Dating – Relationships & Health

Working with thousands of people over the last 15 years and more I have learned that it’s MASSIVELY

important as human beings that we feel as though we belong.

You are literally just a mouse click away from being able to benefit from the life changing content in

1.. Dating

How to attract a GOOD MAN in the shortest possible time.

And by taking the simple steps that I have laid out for you in a series of videos, I will also help you become the fun, confident woman who’s irresistible to any man!

How much fun will your dating be then 🙂

Here’s a small sample of the transformational videos in the Dating section …

The self judgement that stops that guy coming close.

No man will like me.

Feeling used in relationships.

Are your trust issues getting in the way of love.

Fear of rejection/separation/abandonment.

Frustration/disappointment in love.

Self sabotage in dating.

Are your past relationship/failures holding you back from finding love.

The 4 biggies in relationships … Trust-Communication-Respect-Passion.

There’s no one out there for me.

The differences between men and women.

Feeling good about yourself is the key that opens the door to let that man walk through.

And many many more …

2.. Relationships

Once you have your good man, this part of the membership area will help you make sure that you keep him 🙂

Remember your old issues haven’t gone away, they will be waiting to come to the surface at the first opportunity.

I take you by the hand to resolve any of those past issues that could sabotage your new relationship in this section.

As well as helping you understand much more than you ever did before about the subtle art of communication in relationships.

For instance, I will help you understand the 4 most important aspects in ANY “love” relationships.

These are …

Communication – Trust – Respect – Passion

I will help you get these four right, and I guarantee you, when you understand these four, YOU will NEVER have to struggle in ANY relationship with ANYONE ever again.

Here’s a small sample of the transformational videos in the Relationship section …

Developing healthy boundaries.

Attracting guys who lack emotional maturity.

The I’m not enough story.

Fear of rejection.

Self judgement.

Trust issues.

Can’t let go of my ex.

Fear of intimacy.

Self worth.

Judgement and taking things personally.

Fear in relationships & in life.

… and many many more.

3.. Health

Specifically, how our relationship issues affect our health.

(and they do in really specific ways)

And more importantly what we can do at the practical level to resolve them.

This is where you will find an absolute gold mine of knowledge (most of which you will probably never have never heard before) along with my own personal experience of successfully working with thousands of men, women and children with health issues over the last 12 years and more.

And what’s more, all of this costs around the same as some of the old dating advice membership sites.

If you have ANY health issues or body image issues that hold you back from feeling confident in meeting your new man, you will find all the solutions here in this health section

Here’s a small sample of the transformational videos in this section …

Issues like … IBS, digestive issues, allergies, phobias, water retention, depression, skin issues, thrush, tiredness/exhaustion, cystitis, headaches, migraines and many, many more.

And of course,  I will be guiding you in ALL of these videos with practical solutions to resolve what you are truly ready to let go of.

Just Click on The Link Below To Find Out More

And I look forward to connecting with you very, very soon

Bill Tucker x

© Bill Tucker & Dating Inside Secrets 2019

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